I’ve run several businesses and projects and all of them have started out as a dream or an idea, and I’ve had to make them a reality.

I’ve learned two foreign languages, I’ve learned a lot of subjects, I’ve learned a lot of skills, I’ve got a university degree, and I run a business.

So I’ve seen firsthand how this works many times and really the process is always the same. What you need if you want to make something happen or achieve a goal of yours, you need to have a clear vision of it, you need to know exactly what it is you want and you need to think long term.

So thinking six months ahead can be useful, but really you’re going to probably overestimate what you’re capable of on that timeline.

You have to think a bit longer than that. The ideal time depends on the size of the goal, but go at least 50% or even double the timescale that you’d usually think on. That’s more realistic, a more realistic timescale than the one that you usually will come up with.

So that’s the first point: have a clear goal or vision and think long term. By doing this you’re setting the intention and you’re slowly starting to put into motion this strange mechanism by which when we take lots of action over time, it adds up and all of a sudden we achieve remarkable success.

The next point is that you need to get very sober about the obstacles you need to overcome. It doesn’t matter how passionate you are about something, how much you think it’s meant for you, or how much you think life should make it easy for you, because most of the time it doesn’t happen like that.

Most of the time you need to go through a lot of hard work and effort to overcome some very real obstacles. You can’t just dream your way past them or imagine your way past them. It takes real weightlifting and struggle and sweat and mental and emotional labour.

But the way to do this is to put in place habits. And take tangible action on a regular basis. You’ve got to be very persistent with this.

Keep going for years and years. Sitting around dreaming is not going to make your dream a reality, I’m afraid. You have to build it in the arena of life.

When my friend started running his classes, he had to be very persistent to overcome all the obstacles he faced. But now that he has overcome them, things are a lot easier for him. He has built lots of momentum.

Life is an arena. It’s a bit of a battle, and it’s going to ask a lot of you. Habits are what take you there. Make them simple habits: they don’t need to be any crazy.

Ask yourself: “if I do this often enough, what’s going to bridge the gap between where I am now and the goal that I’m trying to reach?”

And then it’s just waiting. It’s just playing the persistence game, playing the patience game and watching it happen over time. That’s what it is.

There’s nothing magical about it in a sense. It is magical because over time the results are astounding sometimes. But the actual process is very cut and dry.

In my opinion, that’s what the manifestation people are trying to capture. It’s this mechanism by which we achieve goals through having a clear intention, through taking action and just persisting through everything. I think that’s what they’re trying to get at. They’re trying to capture this magical quality.

I think that ultimately the biggest challenge in making your dreams a reality is all the inner blocks you have. It’s not really the objective obstacles that are in your way when you take on a new project. It’s really the inner blocks that you have.

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