Beyond Ego

Let’s look now at four long-term strategies for going beyond the ego and all its delusions. One of these strategies is like a playful practice, or a kind of thought experiment, except it’s not mental. Think of it like a life experiment that you enact. This experiement is basically to live as if you weren’t […]

Four Big-Picture Insights Into the Ego

Now that we’ve laid out some of the biggest delusions of our ego, let’s talk about four big-picture insights into how it works. First up: the more developed and conscious you are the less your egoic delusions traps will affect you and the less you’ll fall into them. You start to realize what’s going on […]

Happiness & Self-Centredness

The type of happiness that the ego creates is circumstantial or conditional happiness. It sets conditions on our happiness: once items 1, 2 and 3 are perfect, or items A, B and C are just right, then I’m going to be happy. It’s always conditional. It doesn’t let you be in peace until you check […]

Superiority Complex & Perpetual Seeking

In this post, we look at two further facets of the ego to help you see it more clearly: its superiority complex, and its perpetual seeking. The ego is always looking for ways to perpetuate itself, and a great way to do this is to believe it’s better than other people. It provides good justifications […]

The Ego Defined & Its Biggest Delusion

The ego is our sense of self. We experience it as a collection of self-referential thoughts and images entangled with our physical body, all of which create the appearance of a person that’s behind the eyes, looking out on the world and experiencing it. It has certain delusions it chooses to perpetuate itself and we’ll […]